Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Kairiche Lonche (Raw Mango Pickle)

Mangoes Everywhere! My favorite time of the year!
Being a fruit lover, I do enjoy the occassional Mexican or  South American mangoes we get around here. But  nothing can ever replace my love for 'Hapus Amba'  (Alphonso Mango). 
Come summer, my pantry is stocked with Alphonso mango pulps from the Indian grocery stores. Then we have a stream of Mango lassi, Mango milkshakes, Morambas (mango relish), Amras-Puri...the list does go on...
But to enjoy mangoes like we did in India, we treat ourselves with mangolicious recipes only in the summer. This way, we always look forward to summer and mangoes..Weird arn't we? :)

So to kick off this Mango-Mania of mine, I cannot think of anything better than 'Kairiche Lonche' or Raw Mango Pickle.
Eating fresh pickle totally rocks! No store-brand can ever get close to freshly made pickle. Maybe it's the love (read lack of preservatives) that we add in it!
But whenever I make pickles at home, the quantity is very little. I make pickles that can last us for just about a week. This way, we are excited about it, the freshness is intact and I don't have to bother with ways of preserving it for a longer duration which in turn would result in excess salt and oil usage. Low sodium and lesser grease can never be a bad thing!

Now let us get making some fresh homemade 'Kairiche Lonche'.

Level: Easy
Serves: 1.25 cups pickle

1 large raw mango
2 tblsp oil
3/4 tsp salt
1.5 tblsp red chilly powder
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
3/4 tblsp mustard seeds powder
2 - 3 curry leaves, chopped
1/8 tsp asafoetida + 1 pinch asafoetida
10 fenugreek seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds

Step 1 - Wash and scrub the raw mango well. Wipe dry with a kitchen towel. Let it dry for an hour. Chop the mango into tiny pieces. Place it in a bowl. Keep aside.

Step 2 - Add the salt, red chilly powder, asafoetida (1/8 tsp) and mustard powder. Mix well. Every piece of the raw mango should be well coated. Be gentle here. Leave aside for 20 mins. This process softens the mango pieces as the mango releases some water due to the addition of salt.

Step 3 - In the mean time, take a small pan. Dry roast the fenugreek seeds till they slightly change color. Crush them into a rough powder either in your blender or like I did in my mortal and pestal.

Step 4 - In the same pan, heat the 2 tblsp oil. Once you are sure it is hot (not smoking), add the mustard seeds, curry leaves and a pinch of asafoetida. Quickly add in the turmeric powder. Let it heat for 2 - 3 seconds. Pour this into a small heat proof bowl. Let this cool down for 10 - 15 mins.

Step 5 - By now, the 20 mins of standing time for the spiced raw mangoes will be done. They will be nice and soft. Carefully pick out some tiny bits, look around and pop it in your mouth when noone is watching. Add the fenugreek seeds powder from Step 3 and the cooled flavored oil from Step 4. Mix well. Taste it and adjust salt and red chilly powder if you would enjoy some more.

Store in a clean container. This pickle can be enjoyed for 2 weeks, but I don't think it will last for more than one. It is sooo finger-lickin good!

Do not pour hot oil from Step 4 onto the marinated raw mangoes. This might slightly cook them and that would change the flavor of our pickle.

In your Indian grocery stores, you get mustard seeds crushed coarsely or finely. Any variety would do for this pickle.


  1. This pic makes my mouth water. I have some small kairi's on hand so I see myself making this soon. We enjoy the kairi's in bhel, amti and salsas or koshimbirs.

    We r eagerly awaiting the 'Atulfo' mangos to arrive in big Indian grocery stores (Patel's)here which are the closest to our hapus back home. The atulfos have a pinkish hue. The sweetness, thin peels, no fibery texture is so similar to Hapus! You'll love it! the size is never as big as hapus but they r very cheap (a crate costed us $7 or $8 last year. I don't like Manilas or the champagne mangoes here...I am so spoilt by Hapus and now the Atulfos!

  2. Wow...i am goin 'Atulfo' hunting asap now..:) thanks so much.
    Let me know how you enjoy the pickle..:)

  3. Sorry for the spelling error. Its called an 'Ataulfo'. I have been hunting for them too :) shall let u know when we buy our first (of many many more) crates this season. Google might tell u its the same as Manila and Champagne but trust me...these R different! One bite and u'll know...and only buy at big indian grocery stores...don't know why but the general produce stores ones were very 'panchat' :P

  4. Loved this step :
    Carefully pick out some tiny bits, look around and pop it in your mouth when noone is watching.

    Visiting your site for the first time while looking for this recipe, will definitely try it. Nice presentation, quirky writing style, keep up the good work!

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